You have chosen your destination for the holidays but you don’t know if you should take a checked suitcase or just a cabin suitcase?
The choice is not always obvious! Indeed, more and more airlines are asking for supplements for checked baggage and the rules for the cabin bag are very strict.
For a checked suitcase, you sometimes have to wait up to 30 minutes on the arrival tarmac… and sometimes even risk taking someone else’s suitcase thinking it’s yours or having to make a declaration. for lost luggage!
Traveling with just a cabin trolley bag saves you waiting at the airport for baggage check-in and on arrival. In addition, your belongings literally travel alongside you in complete safety. But indeed, it is clearly not possible to take everything you want with you! You have to focus on the essentials. Depending on the length of your stay, feel free to look at our checklists of things to take.
Our advice is above all to know if what you take with you is essential or not! If you can do without it for three days, it’s not necessarily useful for this trip. If, on the other hand, you absolutely must have it, see if there is a lighter and less bulky alternative.
Also remember to buy the essentials on site. Not only do you encourage local trade, but it also gives you great memories to bring back. Souvenirs that will not end up in the bottom of a drawer but will be used daily, since they are part of the “essential” . Right ?
On the other hand…. a Swiss adventurer always said “travel with a big suitcase always filled…full of gifts that you can give to the people you meet on your way during your adventure. And on the way back this same suitcase will be filled with the gifts you will receive”. Even if most of today’s destinations no longer allow much this exchange to be experienced, there are always distant places for adventurers who will be able to find exceptional moments of sharing… Moreover, it is always generous and altruistic to offer gifts or necessities to the less fortunate! It all depends on your destination.
In conclusion, we therefore advise you to leave with cabin baggage AND a checked suitcase!
Wish you a very good trip !